Our Aims and Objectives

The Commonwealth Medical Association is a non-governmental organization whose main aim and objective is to assist and strengthen the capacities of National Medical Associations of countries within the Commonwealth so to improve the health and wellbeing of their communities, by:

  • Providing technical advice and cooperation to National Medical Associations in developing countries.
  • Enabling National Medical Associations to participate and cooperate with other appropriate organizations and among themselves in projects designed to improve the health and welfare of their communities.
  • Assisting National Medical Associations to formulate and to follow principles of medical ethics, with special reference to the protection of patient rights.

  • Cooperating with National Medical Associations in the provision, where appropriate, of continuing professional development, including distance learning for doctors isolated in small island areas and other deprived conditions.
  • Communicating with Member Associations regularly on news and information about developments in the field of health with special reference to the situation in developing countries of the Commonwealth.
  • Cooperating with the work of the Commonwealth Health Ministers and with relevant programmes of the United Nations.
  • Establishing a Trust and/or such appropriate body for the purposes of enhancing the goals and objectives set out above.