
Please send the contributor registration form. Await confirmation mail from CMA.

Submit article contribution form with all appropriate details. Await review and further communication.

Await post review communication mail from CMA.

All articles cleared by the chief editor will appear in the Journal / monthly compilations.


  • Academicians
  • Leading Medical Practitioner
  • Hospital (A group or individual respresenting a Hospital)
  • Individually or as a Group
  • Articles signed by a Supervisor

Check if you are eligible as a contributor(Please refer to FAQ 1. Who can be a Contributor?).
Fill the below Contributor Registration form with relavant details. A confirmation email from CMA is received.

Please register yourself through contributor registration form.
Then go to Article contribution form and send the summary of the article you want to submit. The confirmation mail is sent by CMA regarding article sumary submission.
Refer to below Process section

Please register yourself through Contributor registration form.While registering please check the checkbox of Do you want to be a Reviewer? Then your records are succesfully saved with us as Reviewer.

All the categories mentioned under FAQ 1. Who can be a contributor are eligible to be a reviewer.
  • Academicians
  • Leading Medical Practitioner
  • Hospital (A group or individual respresenting a Hospital)
  • Individually or as a Group

No. Please make sure you use same email-id during article contribution registration and article submission.

Contributor Registration