Greetings from the Secretary desk

It is my honour and privilege to greet you the National Medical Associations under Common Wealth for your happiness, peace and health. Commonwealth Medical Association strives hard to empower each Nation to experience equitable, affordable and accessible quality oriented healthcare and positive health through mutual support and benevolence. The founding fathers of CMA, dreamt a proactive role by collective hand holding of all NMA under Common wealth and empower, enhance and encourage each other to make health as a priority agenda to make a wealthy nation.

Though each country face unique challenges, the Corona pandemic has proved if everyone is not healthy, no one is safe and geographical boundaries cannot prevent the storming virus and pandemic. With the hard learnt lesson, we the new team of Office bearers are striving to make every. NMA put their mighty hands to give a common platform where we can support end encourage each other to achieve health for all. The have and have not in different parameters can be equaled by hand holding and sharing the skill.

I as the elected Secretary of CMA for two years profusely thank the previous team of office bearers. Dr. Osahon Enabulabel of Nigeria the immediate past president of CMA occupying the chair of world Medical Association today and Dr.J.P Tab one of Malta the Past Secretary of CMA for their enormous contribution in uniting the NMAs under CMA.

Coming together is the beginning and working together shall be the goal to be achieved. We solicit each NMA to join this great family of NMA, just by sharing small fee for the effective functioning of our office.

Kindly consider it as an altruistic help you are rendering to each other under Common Wealth so that everyone shall feel the warmth and comfort of the umbrella under Common wealth. CMA work together with the Common Wealth Secretariat in achieving the health agenda and priorities of the Secretariat.

Kindly visit our website and know the various fellowships, interactive learning platform,work based learning certificates and offers of Scholarships and support.

Feel free to call us on mail us to responds to your needs. Our President Dr.Muruga Raj from Malaysia will be available for your call always.

Whenever you have special events, please inform us and one of the office bearers of CMA will join with you to experience positive oneness.

Looking forward to hear from you all.

Prof. Dr. J.A. Jayalal