Greetings from the President's desk

Wishing everyone Happiness, peace and love this year. We have had to endure some form of difficulty during the 3 years of pandemic, either isolation, overworked, loss of family members or friends, financial difficulties or even could have suffered Covid 19 ourselves. What is important is that we have put all this behind us and moved forward even stronger than before. Covid 19 showed us that the virus doesn’t know color, religion or if you are rich or poor. Whether you are homeless or royal, it was the same, all of us dreaded getting infected. Just the thought of getting close to someone even if they were not infected made us so uncomfortable. We learned many lessons , we learned to value friends and families , we learned the value of our earnings and we learned to say ‘no’ to racism and we learned to respect other religions. Let us stay positive and strong. Let us practice what we have learned during the pandemic.

We from the Commonwealth countries got a common bond. We can join hands and do things together like brothers and sisters. Let us stay together and work together to make the world a better place. We have demonstrated the unity in the past and will only get stronger as time goes by. Commonwealth Medical Association will play a big role in uniting people across the Commonwealth countries and across the globe.

I will like to thank my mentor, Immediate Past President and current World Medical Association President DR. Osahon Enabulle for all the good work that he had done during his tenure in the CMA as President. I also thank his team for the guidance parted to me so far . We had the 26TH CMA Triennial Exco and Council meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from November 4th to 6th 2022. We had attendance from Nigeria, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, India, Malta, United Kingdom and …………

Junior Doctors Network from Malaysia had hosted its 1st International Conference together with CMA and had participants from various countries physically and virtually. We had a wonderful time networking together and I was installed as President of CMA on 5th NITE in a colorful ceremony.

I had mentioned in my inaugural speech that we must include medical students in CMA to expose them early to the real healthcare world . we seniors must guide the juniors and pass on our experience to the next generation.

CMA ‘s main objective is to enchance the National Medical Associations and that is what we are goin to do. First I would be happy if all 54 nations can be members. If you are a very small nation with small number of doctors, no worries. We will find ways to accommodate you. Join us and network with us. We can work together and sthrehten the Commonwealth Doctors , we can help and we can share knowledge.

Looking forward to get more countries to join us and a looking forward to a good year.