CMA First online Executive Meeting Minutes

23/Nov/2022         Malaysia , Virtual


  • Dr Muruga Raj Rajathurai, President
  • Dr Osahon Enabulele, Immediate Past President
  • Prof Dr J.A. Jayalal, Secretary General
  • Dr Koh Kar Chai, Treasurer
  • Dr Colin Abel, Vice President Canadian/Caribbean Region
  • Dr Mugambi Joy K., Vice President East, Central & South African Region
  • Dr Roland Aigbovo, Vice President West African Region
  • Dr Thirunavukarasu Rajoo, Vice President South East Asia/Australia Region
  • Dr Arulrhaj, Past President & Commonwealth Foundation Chairman
  • Apologies : Dr. Vajira Past President

  •   President chaired the meeting and expressed his gratitude to the members and Past Presidents of CMA, for their cooperation and support for the effective conduct of the CMA annual conference and council meeting in Kualalumbur.
  •  President expressed his appreciation and gratitude of CMA, for the works done by the previous team of office bearers during the testing period of COVID pandemic.
  •  He expressed his concerns on the non-payment of membership fees by many countries and suggested uniform fee of 250 GBP for the NMA for enrolling without voting right. After deliberations it is decided to have the existing pattern of fees for the NMA, if they are joining with voting rights.
  •  It is resolved to seek audience with the Commonwealth Secretary and the King Charles at the earliest and President requested the executive committee members to find ways to raise funds from their respective NMA, for the visit to London for the proposed meet, when scheduled. It is discussed to have the meetings preferably during the annual BMA conference.
  •  CMA Website and CMJ Journal: It is proposed to transfer the website maintenance from the existing person Mr.Sound from Nigeria and IPP Dr.Osahon assured his guidance and help for the same. The details of the transfer modalities and cost involved shall be discussed and finalised.
  •   Vacancy of Vice President from Central Asia region: It is resolved to make Srilanka pay their annual due to the CMA and then with the permission of the council new VP shall be nominated.
  •  Accounts Transfer: It is resolved to expedite the transfer of accounts signatories and to continue the account in the same HSBC bank London. The treasurer is authorised to take necessary steps in discussion with past secretary Dr.J.P.Tabone. The secretary informed the Directors details were submitted to the auditor and he will update the same.
  •  Individual Membership: It is resolved to increase individual membership and fellowship of CMA to the members of NMA. Secretary is authorised to present the detailed report in the next executive.
  •  Student Membership: It is resolved to introduce the students membership in CMA, with the nominal fee of 10 GBP
  •  CMA Foundation: Dr.S.Arul Rhaj explained the process of converting the CMA trust as a not for profit foundation and bank accounts are yet to be started. He explained the opportunities for the Continuing Medical education programmes through the foundation.
  •  Updating of data of Member countries: The secretary requested the Vice Presidents to interact and update the data of officers of the Member countries in their respective region and establish communication with them.
  •  CHPA: CMA is a part of CHPA and Dr.Vajira is nominated for one more term to represent CMA in CHPA by the IPP, is ratified.
  •  Vice Presidents Report: Dr.Colin Abel informed about the Proposed Climate Change conference by Jamaica medical Association. Dr.Rolland assured to contact member countries and motivate them to join CMA. Dr. Joy , thanked the Malaysia Medical Association for their hospitality and fruitful CMA conference.
  •  It is resolved to conduct periodic monthly executive committee meeting by online and review the progress collectively.
  •  The treasurer offered vote of thanks and meeting adjourned by the president.

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